About Me

I'm Phil! American living in Japan. Teacher. Ex-independent professional wrestler. Student of Japanese. Traveler. Article writer for Mythic Scribes. Also written four manga, novels, and various short stories and poems. For my fantasy-related blog, check out http://www.philipoverbyfantasy.blogspot.jp/.


Drill Bits: random thoughts, bloggy stuff
Japan Hammer: topics about Japan
Story Time: stories I felt like posting

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Haven't posted a blog in some time. Just some random thoughts I'm having about various things at the moment.

Wrestling: I'm on a roll right now, just picked up the NWA Mississippi Jr. Heavyweight Championship, which is the second NWA belt I've won in my four years of wrestling. If anyone knows anything about wrestling, they know the National Wrestling Alliance has a storied past and for a fan of wrestling (and then becoming a wrestler) it's a big deal for me to win any title with "NWA" in it. Even if the prestige isn't what it once was for the NWA, it is picking up steam again.

Writing: I've hit a dry spell in writing. I've dabbled here and there since returning to the US, but by and far, I've done absolutely zero writing since I've come home. I'm wanting to do something related to wrestling and writing, but we'll see what happens with that. I need a new project to pique my interest and just run with it. Right now I have several things on the fire that I need to just finish, edit, and send out. But alas, I am slow in many facets of my life.

Career/Life/Misc: I've all but decided to return to Japan. I'm 98 percent sure I want to go back, now that some things have settled down some, but there's still a part of me that wants to stay in the US. I don't know if I'll return in 2010, but I'm hoping to. I've been studying my Japanese here and there. I'm really hoping I can pick a position other than English school teaching. Maybe a university or international school would be cool. I'll see what happens.

That's it for me now! I have some other exciting things going on, that I don't feel like talking about yet, but when I do, I'll spill the beans!